Cargo bay 1

A steel tank with central baffle, steam heating coils, 4 inspection hatches and a single central access hatch. Max capacity 120,000 liters.

6" bore steel pipework for loading and unloading cargo. 1/2" pipework carrying steam to tank coils to maintain 60°C oil temperature during transit.
Calibration chart showing cargo depth against fill volume

Port side gangway between outer shell (left) and aft tank (right)

Starting to remove unwanted material from the aft tank. Note the steam coils inside the tank space.

Starting to remove the central baffle.

unpleasant residue from last cargo run.

Port side gangway again. Ribs and webbing were left in place until most of the steel plate was removed. This helped to prevent any unwanted movement during disassembly. 

Void space between the two tanks.

As the tank base is removed, a good quantity of palm oil slurry is revealed.

Although this stuff smells bad, and is difficult to remove, it has done a superb job of protecting the steel below.

Forward view with most of the walls and webbing gone.

Temporary floor gets fitted as the tank base is been removed.

Close up of the tank base support system. 16 pads for each tank riveted to ribs, with mating pads on the underside of the tank. Wooden wedges were hammered home to take up any slack.

1 down, 1 to go. The small section of base remaining will support the formwork used to cast the concrete ballast blocks.


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